LaSuria Kandi Allman interviews Hip Hop Artist Karnage Ca$hman #hiphop #entertainment @lasuria83

    Author: Ey Wade Genre: »

    LaSuria Kandi Allman interviews Hip Hop artist Karnage Cash

    So, in the late 90's to early 2000’s he took part in a few groups that didn't pan out. Leading him into a solo career and forming the label Practice Makes Perfection Music Group(P.M.P.MG) and creating the name Karnage a.k.a. C.a.$.h.Man. Karnage who has always been hard working, was always taught to have more than one Hustle by his mother and uncle. Who told him aint nobody going to give you nothing you have to go out and get it.You gotta count and stack heavy! 
     C.a.$.h.Man kept that motto and, with his original style of rap with a sarcastic edge, his flow is refreshing with is ability to stay lyrical and creative with mind-blowing punchlines and quality production. 
    Karnage aka C.A.$.H.Man is sure to be successful.Karnage  is a member of the O.D.B tribute group Dirty Clanzmen,He is also a G.H.E.T.T.O GOVERNMENT NJ Chapter member recruited by GGO NJ Chapter General Sneak Vandel after a successful collaboration on the Museum of HipHop pt.1.


    What city and state did you grow up in?
    New Jersey.
    What was it like growing up in Jersey?
    Interesting, I met a lot of people.
    Tell me some things about yourself? 
    Laid back, I really don't go out.
    Tell me about your latest release?
    Coast to Coast, Dj Empire
    What inspired you to become a artist?
    The Art itself, always been a fan of hip hop.
    Who was the first artist you collaborated with?
    Cigar Cypher.
    Do you think the music has changed from then to now?
    Definitely, you can see the change mainstream and underground.
    How would you categorize your style?
    What if any message do you try to relay to the audience?
    Be Yourself.
    What would you change about the music industry from an executive stand point?
    It's a lot of money to be made out here.
    What do you think attributed to the change from consciousness of the early 80's to the gangster era of today?
     Basically,  the world we live in. The gang problems.
    What are your thoughts about the way the artists are presenting themselves?
    It's more or less about the image, and how much money they can make.
    What would you consider to be the big break that will get the artists foot in the door mainstream?
    You have to know somebody who know someone important.
    How long have you been in the music industry?
    15 years
    What are your goals for the future?
    Mainland  keeping everything moving forward.
    Do you have any shows/album/videos coming up?
    Karnage.    "Red October" will be released December 16, promo video on YouTube.
    Are there any artists that you would like to collaborate with?
      At this time my plate is full, let clear some, then I will get back to you
    So your fans can follow you what social media sites are you on?
     Fb, Twitter, Instagram. I'm all over the place.
    Are you involved in any social or political groups?
     Not at this moment
    Are there any youth or community programs that you are involved in?
     Currently I'm in negotiations
    Are there any challenges that you have dealt with and you have  overcame?
    Other than breathing, nothing life threatening.
    Are you interested in making movies?
    Definitely that has been  an interest of mines.
    Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    Doing Movies
    What advice would you give to young men today who are suffering from injustices?
    Be mindful of the situation.
    What advice do you give to aspiring artists who are trying to get into the music industry?
    I have tried to inspire the artist. You must practice and stay on point.
     What keeps you motivated?
    The fact that I love what I'm doing. 
    If you could change your profession what would it be?
    I would have to think about that.
     What do you think about the legalization of Marijuana?
    It's about time
    Married? children?
    No, I have a son
    Favorite food?
    Besides music, playing with my son. Researching and being with my family.

    I would like to thank you for this very powerful interview. I look forward to future interviews with you. Much Success in all of your endeavors. God bless you.

    Hear and read more interviews with LaSuria and her guests, here

    Interviewer  LaSuria Kandi Allman
    Kandi Kane Ent.
    For booking or Interviews contact me at

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