LaSuria Kandi Allman Interviews Hip Hop artist T-mon3y #hiphop #entertainment @lasuria83

    Author: Ey Wade Genre: »

    Let's keep the music going. This morning, LaSuria Kandi Allman interviews Hip Hop artist T-mon3y.

    It all started in 1987 I was born and ready for the world... little did I know how my life had been mapped out, for me as well as all of us. I started freestyle at the age of 15 and writing shortly after.
    I decided to be an artist, song writer, chef, author, etc . As life handed me cards,dI played them bad and good. I learned from my mistakes as well as what not to do along my journey of the long life ahead of me. With that being said, I have been through the struggles and still fall sometimes I just get back up faster than I did last time I fell.
     Tmon3y CEO industry record's be safe and stay humble....

    What city and state did you grow up in?

     What was it like growing up in Oklahoma?
    Hard the struggle

     Tell me some things about yourself? 

     Laid back, stay to myself

     Tell me about your latest release?

     It's called "Irrelevant," the music that people are putting out, They are not talking about nothing.

    What inspired you to become a artist?

     I wrote my first song at 15

    Who was the first artist you collaborated with?

    The Covenant,  mainly I am by myself

     Do you think the music has changed from then to now?

     In a way No, and in a way Yes

     How would you categorize your style?

    Money.    Myself, My God
    What if any message do you try to relay to the audience?

     It's going to catch who it is going to catch. It's going to offend who it offends.

    What would you change about the music industry from an executive stand point?

    I wouldn't change much

     What do you think attributed to the change from consciousness of the early 80's to the gangster era of today?

     Asian dudes were playing Eazy E

    What are your thoughts about the way the artists are presenting themselves?

     I don't have no thoughts,  I don't judge anyone.

    What would you consider to be the big break that will get the artists foot in the door mainstream?

    Work hard and keep working. Never let no one tell you that you can't do it.

     How long have you been in the music industry?

    Since I was 15

    What are your goals for the future?

    3 albums dropped

    Do you have any shows/album/videos coming up?

    Show December 12,

    Are there any artists that you would like to collaborate with?

      Lil Wayne

    So your fans can follow you what social media sites are you on?

    Fb, YouTube

    Are you involved in any social or political groups?


    Are there any youth or community programs that you are involved in?


    Are there any challenges that you have dealt with and you have  overcame?

    From freestyle to writing, I freestyled over 400 songs.

    Are you interested in making movies?


    Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

     Label off the ground,  Restaurant in NY, Community center in Oklahoma.

    What advice would you give to young men today who are suffering from injustices?

    Don't get caught up in that, that's what they want you to do

    What advice do you give to aspiring artists who are trying to get into the music industry?

    Work hard

    What keeps you motivated?

     My kids.

    If you could change your profession what would it be?

    I would change nothing Chef, Artist, Producer,  Author

    What do you think about the legalization of Marijuana?

    People are going to smoke weed.
    Married? children?
     No, 2 daughters
    Favorite food?
    What are your hobbies?
    Working,  Family

    Hear and read more interviews with LaSuria and her guests, here

    Interviewer  LaSuria Kandi Allman
    Kandi Kane Ent.
    For booking or Interviews contact me at

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