LaSuria Kandi Allman Interviews Ceo of Pilot Clothing LLC Anthony Fambro #fashion #entrepeneur #entertainment

    Author: Ey Wade Genre:

    We're back again, and glad to see you all here. Today, LaSuria has the CEO of Piolot Clothing, Anthony Fambro in the Hot Seat. Let's join them. Anthony will share a bit about himself and then we'll get into the interview.
    Hi, my Anthony Duwaun Fambro. I’m 28 from Orange County, South Orlando. I'm the CEO/Founder of Pilotworkclothing. I established Pilotwork Clothing October of 2013. I sent care packages to a Couple well know artist and upcoming artist such as gillie the kid lil Dread , Spectular, Rico music who signed to Snottie Wild Igor offered Zumies distribution deal but turned down.
     I want to stay independent.  I started acting and landed a role in a drama series based out of Columbus called Breathe the Hustle. I signed a Contradt for 5 seasons then attended acting school and graduated classes from pro model and talent which who I will sign with in 2018.
     I’m featured in other independent films such as What People Do For Money, too. Krushing an upcoming movies called Broken & Buried Dreams. To follow me on my journey, my Instagram is @PWC_GXD & @pilotworkclothing on Twitter and my full name-  Anthony Duwaun Fambro on Facebook

    What city and state did you grow up in?
    Orlando Florida
    What was it like growing up in Orlando?
    Rough, middle class
    What inspired you to become creative artist?
    Poetry, fashion, I always wanted to create
    Do you have any showcases coming up?
    Yes in the Fall
    So your fans can follow you what social media sites are you on?
    Facebook, Instagram
    Do you have a website where your clothing can be viewed and purchased?
    It's under construction
    Tell us about the movie and webseries you play in?
    Breathe The Hustle Movie I play a character name Dreads
    We just rapped Season 2 filming season 3 soon and "BREATHE THE HUSTLE MOVIE
    Who do you think is the hottest female hip-hop artist?
    Nicki, Remy
    Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Artist, More Promo, Pop up Shops
    What motivates and drives you?
    I want to be remembered it's all about Legacy
    What advice do you give to aspiring artists?
    Keep doing what you been doing.  You have to put in work and Never Give Up
    Are there any community programs that you are involved in?
    Yes, We just had Charity basketball event. We adopted Three families for Christmas
    If you could change your profession what would you be doing?
    I Wouldn't Change Anything I Like What I Do
    Favorite food
    Art, constantly learning, and reading.

    Hear and read more interviews with LaSuria and her guests, here
    Interviewer  LaSuria Kandi Allman
    Kandi Kane Ent.
    For booking or Interviews contact me at
    Callin # 646-716-6359

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