LaSuria Kandi Allman Interviews Actress and Model Amara Washington #entertainment

    Author: Ey Wade Genre: »

    Today, in the Hot Seat with  LaSuria Kandi Allman is actress and model, Amara Washington.

    Amara Washington,  mother of 4 wonderful children. Born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. I’m a Army veteran, who served for six years.  I have two Bachelor degrees and a Masters degree in Early Childhood education. Teaching young children and acting has always been a passion of mine. I have had the pleasure of starring in a short film shong shong,and full featured film “Detroit Boys” with producer Charles Ivery. I have done a stage performance (monologue) of my life, and I’m currently working with producer Teezey Spilburgh with S.n.h.h film in a web series Breath the Hustle, upcoming Film “Krushin”, and Breath the Hustle the movie. I also have two upcoming films I will be starring in “ Buried Dreams” and "Broken" under Kandy Kane entertainment

    *Please note: written interviews or shortened from Oral*
    What city and state did you grow up in?
    What was it like growing up in Columbus?
    Pretty cool
    Tell us about yourself?
    Outgoing, energetic, Actress, Model
    What inspired you to become a Actress?
    It is always been a passion of mine
    Tell us about BREATHE THE HUSTLE Webseries and the character you play?
    Upcoming rapper trying to make it. I play Courtney. In it, my brother was killed.
    So your fans can follow you what social media sites are you on?
    Instagram, Facebook
    What is the website that BREATHE THE HUSTLE can be viewed and YouTube
    Are you working on any other films?
    Breathe The Hustle Movie,  and season 3, Buried Dreams
    Have you ever experienced camera fright?
    We all are like family makes it easier and Tee Zee is great
    Who do you think is the hottest female hip-hop artist?
    Cardi B
    Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Filming, Modeling and doing Commercials
    What advice do you give to aspiring Actresses?
    Don't Give Up
    What was the most funniest or strangest thing you ever seen while filming?
    I was being chased by your Nephew Yung Ace and he fell.
    If you could change your profession what would you be doing?
    I'm already a Pre-school Teacher, I would be a Actress 24-7
    Favorite food?
    Movies, going out to dinner, socializing with friends, playing pool and bowling

    Hear and read more interviews with LaSuria and her guests, here
    Interviewer  LaSuria Kandi Allman
    Kandi Kane Ent.
    For booking or Interviews contact me at
    Callin # 646-716-6359

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