LaSuria Kandi Allman interviews Antrece Baggett Associated Chair Houston Community College

    Author: Ey Wade Genre: »

    Houston in the house again! Welcome back everyone, today LaSuria Kandi Allman interviews
     Antrece Baggett Associated Chair Houston Community College.

    Antrece Baggett teaches American history to her students at Houston Community College and is the Program Director of the Africana African-American Studies and The Women and Gender Studies Programs at HCC Southeast.  Yet, it's her own personal history of growing up in a domestic violence home that has shaped her the most.

    "My parents did not know, but as a child, I was fearful for my life and the lives of my brothers," said Baggett. "So I called the police on many occasions. I begged them to come, but they said they couldn't unless someone was injured."

    Baggett grew up in the 1970s, and the police rarely came for those domestic violence calls. That's why she is thrilled that the Harris County Sheriff's Department is teaming up with the Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council to form specialized domestic violence response team. The development of such a program got approval by the Harris County Commissioners Court Tuesday. Both agencies will now begin the process of forming two teams to get the program started. via

    What city and state did you grow up in?
    I grew up in Jackson Mississippi in the 1960's.
    What was it like growing up in?
    I had a unique childhood all of my family members were Educators. All of them had at least one degree, some have two. My childhood was awesome.
    Tell me some things about you?
    I'm a History major
    Where did you study?
     All the schools I attended were integrated. Undergraduate School I went to Texas Southern were I major in music. In my Junior year change my major to History and Political Science. Then I attended.
    What was your major?
    Music, History
    Where do you currently work?
     Houston Community College
    What is your position there?
    Associated Chair of History Department, Director of Africana American Studies, Women and Gender Studies
    How long have you been employed at the Houston College
    Since:  Professor part time 1995, Professor full time 2000, Texas Southern University 2005
     You have a long history of being a educator, what inspired you?
     I said I was never going to teach, but I changed my mind.
    Are there any challenges that you have faced and overcame?
    What amazing about this I didn't want to go into Education. I went to England and got married, came back 3 weeks later class was already in session. I got a job working at J.C. Penney. We went back to England for 2 years. My husband was reassigned, we had a daughter. We agreed to separation and divorce. In the middle of the separation I came back to Houston. My daughter and I went to Ole Miss, I joined a my sorority. The divorce was the obstacle that I overcame.
     Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
     Receiving my Doctrine, I will help 15 students. If I can reach one student. When you know your history, so you will know how you and your ancestors impact history.
    Any political thoughts or dreams in the near future?
     No, The best things I can do is encourage all of my students to become registered voters.
     Are there in community programs that you are involved in, and what are they?
     Delta Sigma Theta, Links Incorporated International, Harris County Council Domestic violence.
    If you could speak to the youth of today about the importance of a education what would you say?
    Your education starts at home with your family, Church, Leaders etc. We always think education starts with school. But it starts at home 17% of the time. Value what your taught at home.
    What motivates, what drives you?
    What drove me is when people said I couldn't do it.
    Do you belong to a sorority?
    Yes,    Delta Sigma Theta
     You are a Historian, Leader, Activist, you have worn so many hats tell us about some of organizations and projects you are involved in?
    Delta Sigma Theta a sisterhood of Educators throughout the world.
     What are your goals in the future with Houston College
    Finish the semester, Successfully. Your Mother Mamie King-Chalmers is one of our speakers for February Black History Month. Also Women History Month.
    Are you a Democrat, Republican, or Independent?
    Politically speaking a Democrat Independent. The reason is that I have been taught not to trust a candidate, but to my research.
     Who is your choice in the Presidential race?
    Are you married? Children?
     Married, 2 daughters, 1 son, 2 grand daughters.
    Antrece L. Baggétt
    Associate Chair, History
    Director, Africana African American Studies & Women & Gender Studies Certificate Program
    Houston Community College System:
    713-718-7253 (office)
    "Because Nice Matters"
    "Act local, think global"

    Hear and read more interviews with LaSuria and her guests, here

    Interviewer  LaSuria Kandi Allman
    Kandi Kane Ent.
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