Hi friends, I know it's been a little while since we've had someone in the chair and today we have an awesome guest. Deatri King-Bey is one of the nicest and most inspiring authors I have met. On Facebook she resides over two groups with an effortless hand Black Romance & Women's Fiction Book Club and Suspense, Mystery, Horror and Thriller in Black but she is so much more in life. Before we start the interview, Deatri would like to share a little about
herself. Let’s make her feel welcome.

When did you start writing, and what did you write about?
Back when I was in high school, I’d find the comedy in something ordinary, and
the next thing you know, I’d have a short fiction story based off the event.
What is the difference in your perception between now and the time you
started writing? Though I still see the humor in the ordinary, now I
also see additional emotions; anger, love, fear… and those are incorporated in
my writing.
Please write a few lines about the books you have published, and what
brought you to publishing each one of them. I have over a dozen
books, so I’ll tell you the inspiration of the plots for a few of them.
- Beauty and the Beast – This contemporary romance features a hero with bipolar disorder and heroine who has been physically attacked and was scared badly on the inside and out. My husband has bipolar disorder and my best friend has a degenerative bone disease that deforms her body. Many people don’t understand mental illness and whether we admit it or not, there are a lot of people out there who treat those who do not “look” normal poorly. This was one of my most well received romantic tales. You’re right. Would be nice if people went beyond the physical to know someone before judging them. I like the premise of the book.
- Whisper Something Sweet – I had a friend who had been in an abusive relationship. So many of us are touched by abuse and I wanted to write a romantic tale based around it. In case you haven’t noticed, I have a way of writing romantic tales around topic many wouldn’t think are romantic, but I seem to pull it off. Must be the foundation of your heart. It’s buried deep in love.
- Broken Promises – I was born and raised in a small town. Anywhoooo, I was at my high school class reunion hoping to see some of my buddies. While there, at least three males said, had things been different when we were young, they would have asked me out. Me being me, knew the reason, but asked why they didn’t ask. The answer was along the lines of White guys didn’t ask Black girls out. Soooo, I saw a book in there. Sucks, how race discrimination messed up with all aspects of life. I’m glad thinks have changed.
- Sons 4 Sale – This is my current romance series. My grandmother used to ALWAYS try to hook up my sisters. ALWAYS. It was very comical. Well one day I was watching my grandson play with the puppy and for some reason a grandmother wanted her sons to marry. I know. Not my usual thing, but it just popped into my head. Next thing you know, I was writing the Sons 4 Sale series.
What are you
writing about now and why are you writing this book?
I’m currently writing the second installment
of my dangerously-sexy suspense Hell Hath No Fury, which I write with author
Curtis Alcutt as L. L. Reaper. I am writing this book for the same reason I
write all of my books. I have all of these characters that pop into my mind and
if I don’t write them out, they’ll drive me crazy.That's exactly how I feel. Glad its not just me, I thought I had a little issues going on, lol.
Tell me, how do you go about writing your
books? Do the ideas just pop in your head or do you have to plot and plan?
The characters come to me first. Then I just allow the characters to tell
me their story and I work as a conduit of sorts.
I’m having a bit of a hard time marketing my
books. What are your techniques and do you feel they are working?
Many authors think right now instead of for the long haul. You should
have a marketing plan for both. Putting out high-quality is a must, but also
how will you keep in contact with your readers between titles? Social media is
nice, but that shouldn’t be an author’s only form of marketing. Blogs,
newsletters, virtual touring… Many authors also forget to promote in person
locally. http://www.meetup.com can help
authors find their local target audience. Oh and also marketing to your target
audience is important. I’m shocked at how many authors go into reading groups
and spam them with their promos and haven’t even taken the time to see the few
readers that are left there don’t even read their genre.
Where can the audience purchase
your books?
I have Kindle, Nook and print links to my
titles on my website under the books page. http://deatrikingbey.com
I send people to the site because I also have free reads and many times online
stores will not allow me to place them as free. I also run specials from time
to time. For example, right now is the Christmas In July special where I and
seven other authors have reduced the prices of some of our titles.
I have a habit of talking
(interviewing) to the people in my books.
How do you communicate with your characters?
usually have the characters first, so I just allow them to speak through me.
If I were to interview one or two of the
characters from your novel what do you think he/she would say about the role
you put him/her in? Do you think they would like the book? Oh yes, my
characters would definitely like it. I let them be them. I just smooth out
their rough edges.
What hobby or activity do you
enjoy other than writing?
Watching movies. I LOVE the theater experience.
I literally get upset when there’s not something new out I want to see. LOL.
I understand. This has been so much fun, Deatri. I really enjoyed myself.
Thanks for stopping by. Folks don’t forget about the CHRISTMAS IN JULY where Dee
and seven other authors have reduced the prices of some of their titles. Visit
Deatri’s web page and take advantage of it.
Oh and come back on Wednesday when we will have a chat with Tyler Write from the novel Tease. I hear hes a real hottie.
Tyler can have any woman except the one he truly wants—Eva Simpson. Smooth lines and sweet talk won't work with her. To have a chance at Eva’s heart, he’ll have to show her who he really is. After Eva caught her fiance' in bed with her cousin, she swore she'd never be played for the fool again. Now the ultimate bed-hopper—Tyler Write, has set his sights on her and she’s having difficulty resisting him. This is going to be very entertaining.
Tyler can have any woman except the one he truly wants—Eva Simpson. Smooth lines and sweet talk won't work with her. To have a chance at Eva’s heart, he’ll have to show her who he really is. After Eva caught her fiance' in bed with her cousin, she swore she'd never be played for the fool again. Now the ultimate bed-hopper—Tyler Write, has set his sights on her and she’s having difficulty resisting him. This is going to be very entertaining.
Thanks again, Deatri.
Ey, I just wanted to take a second to thank you for having me and Tyler on today. This was fun.
Ey, I just wanted to take a second to thank you for having me and Tyler on today. This was fun.
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