First of all let's give a toast to the official print release of Debney & D.N.A and a round of applause to her publisher INKNBEAN PRESS. Our prolific and illustrious author Ey Wade, has her page over there which you can visit at any time.
AUSTIN: Dear Ey, I hear your name going all a buzz over on Facebook and the internet, what's going on?
Ey: Oh, my gosh I have been so blessed last month and this month and want to tell everyone thank you from the bottom of my hert.
Last month I had a Promo Feature on The Bunny's Review
Then I was given the opportunity to have three guest posts on the Blogging Authors site Have Hoodie Will Commit Crime here, From the View of a Child here and Who is Caring for Your Child here
This month I have been the featured author on SORMAG- Shades of Romance Magazine,
was asked 5 of the best questions on Susan Bennett's blog- Writing, Reading & Everything in Between
and today I am the featured author on Janus Gangis Author- Facebook page. It has been truly awesome, but enough about me. Let's talk to Debney. I can see her squirming in her chair as if she's ready to burst.

I can't wait until I'm in the hands of people. My story is getting great reviews all around and...well I'm just excited.
D.N.A. can be purchased on Amazon
Also, I am really pumped about the trailers Ey has made for the book I'll share those. The first is the shorter version. Straight to the point.
And the second is so lovely it'll take your breath away.
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