Enjoy a Chat With ReallyRashida

    Author: Ey Wade Genre: »

      Hi, thanks for coming back. I hope you have been enjoying the chats we have been having with some pretty awesome authors. Today we have ReallyRashida in the chair. ReallyRashida will be starting her virtual book tour to introduce her novels to the world, beginning tomorrow March 25th and will end in May.

    ReallyRashida is an urban fiction author and blogger from Cleveland, Ohio. She inherited her love of books from her mother and knew from a very young age that writing would always be a special part of her life. By the age of three Rashida was reading, and she wrote her first book in the first grade.
    On her blog "Her Urban Beauty", ReallyRashida shares her love of street lit books  and hip hop as well as shining a light on the issues facing today's urban woman.

    "Toxic: The Prequel", ReallyRashida's debut book, was released in January 2012.
    The follow-up, "Toxic", was released in January of the following year.Oooh, I love those covers

    When did you start writing, and what did you write about?  
     I fell in love with writing when I was about 12 or 13. I started out writing poetry and short stories. You know, those little girly sonnets of love and pain, Lol. I've always loved songwriting, too.

    What is the difference in your perception between now and the time you started writing?
    When I first started writing I was a young girl struggling to learn who she really was. Now, I'm a grown woman who has learned a lot about the craft and the business of writing. I'm not as naive as I used to be and I take my writing much more seriously now. It's my career, not just a hobby.

    Please write a few lines about the books you have published, and what brought you to publishing each one of them. 
    I published my first book in January of last year. It's the prequel to my newest novel titled Toxic. They tell the story of a young mother who is fighting for her life against her tyrannical boyfriend. The two are literally trying to kill each other. I've been in some abusive situations in my life and I used that as the inspiration behind the stories. I wanted to write a suspense story full of drama.
    What are you writing about now and why are you writing this book?
    After Toxic comes a novel called Beautiful Liar. It's an urban murder mystery about a drug addict who is brutally murdered and her daughter is desperate to find the killer. I've been working on the story for almost four years and I'm finally finishing it. The writing in this book pays homage to my favorite authors, R.L. Stine and Donald Goines.

    Tell me, how do you go about writing your books? Do the ideas just pop in your head or do you have to plot and plan? I definitely plan out all my books first. The ideas come from everywhere but I have to organize my thoughts and make a story idea into a novel. I do outlines, character analysis, and backstories to name a few things.

    I’m having a bit of a hard time marketing my books. What are your techniques and do you feel they are working?
    I use social media, mainly Facebook, a lot. Networking and promoting in book groups has boosted my sales. This is my first virtual book tour so I have to get through it and measure it's success to see how well it works but I'm sure it will give some more exposure.

    I wish you the best of luck on your tours. Where can the audience purchase your books? –
    My books are available through Smashwords -and Amazon -
     Follow her on her Twitter and Facebook pages:

    I have a habit of talking (interviewing) to the people in my books.  How do you communicate with your characters? –
     I believe that our childhood shapes the people that we grow into so I go back to when my characters were little kids and imagine their home life. I get an understanding of how they were raised and the values that have been instilled in them. I have them walk me down memory lane and bring me into the present through visualization.

    If I were to interview one or two of the characters from your novel what do you thing he/she would say about the role you put him/her in? Do you think they would like the book?I think that Tracey, the main character, would like the story. She would feel a little bit vulnerable because some of the most intimate details of her life have come to out, but overall the story is her truth and she accepts that. Tracey loves being put in a situation where she can be the heroine that inspires women to stand up and take control of their lives.

     What hobby or activity do you enjoy other than writing? –One of my favorite t-shirts has a design of a cassette tape with the words "Music Feeds My Soul". Those words describe me perfectly. I love to listen to music and write songs. My passion is the business side of it. I like to be behind the scenes interviewing artists and helping with shows. I interned for the Ohio Hip Hop Awards for five years and continue to support them by writing for their blog.

    Well, Rashida I know you have to go and prepare for your blog tour so I'll just say, thank you for your time and stopping over to chat with us here at IN THE CHAIR. It’s been fun.
    -Thanks so much for having me!While you're on this site, check out the interview with Tracy from the Toxic novels.

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    One Response so far.

    1. I really enjoyed my time in the chair. Can't wait to do it again. :)

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    If you’d like to request a copy of any of my novels to review, please contact Ey Wade imtheauthor@gmail.com Please put 'request for review copy' in subject line. I also love working with bloggers and other reviewers!

    You can see all of my books (including previews) through the links on our Web site, Wade-In Publishing.com. You can also grab pins @itsmeeywade on Pinterest.com