Hi, Penny Brooks from The Fishing Trip here. My author Ey Wade is having a chat with Tracey's author, ReallyRashida and so she thought it would be cool for me to chat with Tracey from the novels, Toxic The Prequel and Toxic. I guess its because we both like to , uhmm...clear mistakes and assert justice. Here's a bit about the books and then we'll get right to the chat.
About Toxic the Prequel: Tracey, Andre, and Punkin are the major players in this short story of abuse, secrets, and toxic love.
eyes, bloody lips, and constant cheating have become Tracey's way of
life. Her boyfriend, Andre, has engulfed her in a twisted love triangle
with his side piece, Punkin, that caused her to take their young son and
go into hiding.
It's all good at first, but Tracey soon finds out that she was able to run but she definitely can't hide.

Toxic: Love is a hell of a drug and Tracey is a full-blown addict. Just when she
thought she was over the lies, abuse, and betrayal from her boyfriend,
Andre, she had fallen right back into his trap. What started out as a
romantic reunion between the estranged lovers ended in kidnapping and
over twelve hours of torture for Tracey.
When she was finally set
free she ran to the person who always bails her out when she gets knee
deep in drama: her best friend and mentor, Sandra. Hearing how Andre
violated Tracey again told her that it was time to introduce an
unorthodox way to stop Andre permanently. Tracey was going to kill him
and Sandra would teach her how.
The plan was done and the scene was
set perfectly. All Tracey had to do was slip some poison in Andre's
drink. Unfortunately, the murder goes terribly wrong and he escapes. Now
Tracey has to find him and finish the job before it's too late.
So, Tracey, what
do you like about your situation in your book? –
I like that I get to be a bad ass.
(Laughs) I'm nicer in real life than I'm portrayed in the book.
do you dislike about your situation in your book? - Being such a naive
little gullible girl. I was so dumb over my ex. I don't like people thinking
I'm weak so that pissed me off a little.
If you
had a chance to rewrite your ‘story’, what would you change? - There is
a character that dies that I would have kept alive. Their story has so much
more to it that could have been told.
would you keep? –
I would keep the love of my life.
Do you
have a family? If so, how is your family life? –
Of course I have a family!
(Giggles) I have a four-year-old son
named Trey and my husband's name is Eric. We live in a small town in rural Ohio
but we're from Cleveland so we visit there a lot. We live a pretty simple life.
He travels a lot for work so it's just me and the munchkin most of the time.
I'm close to my parents and me and my sister are in the process of starting a
supper club. Life's pretty good.
What do you wish
people will learn/ enjoy about your story?
- I want people to, first of all,
wake up and leave bad situations. Abuse is not okay so get out of that. It's
hard but it's so worth it. The other thing I want people to take away from the
story is that you can always get another chance at life. Age or circumstances
don't matter. You can change your life for the better and do whatever you put
your mind to. Toxic is a
rollercoaster ride so just put your arms up and enjoy the ride.
do you really think about your author? –
I think Rashida is such a good
person inside and out. She's smart and she cares about people.
Wow, this has been a nice chat, Tracey. I hear you're going on a virtual book tour. I wish you the best of luck on your tours. Tell everyone where they can find your books.
Yes, I will. Everyone my story is available through Smashwords -and Amazon
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Thanks for interviewing Tracey. Love it!