LaSuria Kandi Allman Interviews Poet, Writer, Lyricist and Author Queen the Prophet #GGO #Wingzup #hiphop

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    Good morning, today we join LaSuria Kandi Allman as she chats with Poet, Writer, Lyricist and Author Queen the Prophet

    Rachel “Queen the Prophet” Lombardozzi (born on June 17th) has been an artist (cartoonist), poet and a writer since she was a child and says she wrote her first rap when she was 12. QTP won many awards throughout her childhood for her creative abilities by writing and illustrating short-stories as well as the creating a slogan for the D.A.R.E. campaign.

     Although QTP had a very promising childhood, her pre-teen -young adult adulthood took an entirely different path. “I didn’t live at home most of my teenage years and in the conditions I was living, I honestly didn’t even think I was going to see 18. You do a lot of things in the name of survival and not knowing where your next meal is going to come from can take you to a very dark place. All the chips were stacked against me but I refused to allow myself to end up a statistic.”
    QTP now holds an extensive background in social /human services and community activism. She has trained hundreds of individuals to work in the filed of Human Services. QTP was named by the CT Business Times one of “40 under 40″ community leaders to watch in 2006. In 2006 QTP also participated in the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce Leadership Development program. QTP is a professional guest/motivational speaker & trainer specializing on various human service topics such as Suicide Prevention, Domestic Violence, Crisis Intervention, Mental Illness, and Developmental Disabilities. QTP also contracts as a free-lance set-up contract consultant for non-profit & for profit small businesses.
    Between 2009-2011 QTP structured, developed, and began two successful At-Risk Youth
    service agencies which provided mentoring services and parent support services to individuals involved with Child Protection Services. In 2011, QTP launched a multi-media mentoring program for at-risk youth who were interested in careers in the music industry.
    QTP began in 2007 and it was a FREE on-line freestyle battle arena born out of her personal love for the art of freestyle. QTP closed Battlegrownd’s website in 2009 while continuing to work in social services. In 2012, QTP began working for an indie label in Miami managing their 3 artists. became Battlegrownd Entertainment in May 2012 and specialized in Artist Management, Artist Development, Social Media Promotion, Consulting, Production, Electronic Distribution, and Project Management. QTP left the Miami label late 2013. QTP stepped down from formal artist management when her first formal recorded track the “7th Trumpet 26 Project” was released 1/14/13. The 7th Trumpet quickly became a viral trend and captured the attention of many music industry heavy weights including Hell Razah (Wu-Tang Clan/Sunz of Man) who reached out to QTP via social media for assistance with some of his own projects.“I’ll never forget the first interview I did as an Artist. They asked me ‘how do you know you’ve “arrived”‘? I’m sure for some people that translates into some sort of financial status but to me? When people who made the music I grew up on started reaching out to me for help or just to say they saw what I was doing & supported me? For me, that was when I ‘arrived’.”
    In February 2013 QTP joined forces with Hell Razah and his Ghetto Government movement. In June 2013,  QTP made her first Audio Book appearance as Artist/ Author GRYNDHOUSZ (cousin of John Legend, Indie Artist with over 70k units sold) launched “F What You Heard” Audio Book for Women with Common Sense, QTP appears on the foreword and Chapter intros. Also in June 2013, Hell Razah {Hell Razah Music, Inc.} announced the edition of Razah’s Ghetto Govt Movement 1st Lady to the GHETTO GOVT OFFICIALZ roster of artists that will formally represent Hell Razah Music, Inc.  As an artist, QTP does not identify herself as an emcee. “I’m not a rapper. I’m not an emcee. I’m a prophet. I just testify to a beat.”
    Since becoming a part of GGO/ Hell Razah Music, Inc. QTP has put her community skills to use and has overseen several community projects within the global movement including cell-phone drives for domestic violence victims, as well as food & necessity drives for individuals in need. Unknown to most, QTP has been the executive producer for Ghetto Government / Hell Razah Music, Inc. collaborative (MXTP) releases (not individual artist releases) since July, 2013. In December 2014 QTP announced that although she would remain an active member of the GGO Movement, she was stepping off the Hell Razah Music, Inc. artist roster to take on more of an administrative role as Executive Director and launch her own label Street Prophet Entertainment/ Street Prophet Music Group.
    "Q-T-P" by Queen the Prophet produced by Miverson 

    "Standing Ovation" by Queen the Prophet produced by Miverson

    What city and state did you grow up in?
    New Haven, Connecticut.
    What was it like growing up in New Haven?
     Just like any other terrible urban community. They don't show you that part. 
    Tell me something about yourself?
    I help independent artists. 
    Tell me about some of your work you have written?
    The poetry started when I was a child, I always drawn cartoons.
    Do you have a website where your work can be viewed and purchased?
    What was the title of your first poem? and what was it about?
    It was about drugs. It was a bad time in my life.
    What inspired you to become an author/writer?
     Something I have always done was express myself through writing.
     So your fans can follow you, what social media sites are you?
       Fb, Twitter @Queentheprophet
    What community programs are you involved in?
     #GGO Ghetto Government Officials. Was a concept Razad had in the 90's. His vision was/is to make
    a impact in the urban cities where ppl are suffering. Plus we put out free mix tapes for the public. #GGO is a movement supporting our communities we are Global.
     If you could speak directly to youth today what would you say?
    I would Dare them to stay from their phones and social media sites for 2 weeks.
     What advice do you give to young men suffering from police brutality?
    That is a very sensitive topic for me. I watched the police beat someone. It had a lasting effect on me. When I would see a police car I would shake. My advice is to get involved in a community organizations. You will have protection there.
    Are there any survival tactics or a book, a journal that you suggest that they read?
     They can get some from online.
    Tell me about your latest work?
    Public service, I wear so many hats, from organizing and helping others.
    Where do your ideas for your work come from?
      I work with people everyday
     What keeps you motivated.
    The things I do, I love to do.
    Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    Definitely music, more administrative roles. Focus a lot more on my writing.
    Do you have political thoughts or dreams?
     No, I believe that God has placed me has a street prophet.
    Are there any challenges you have faced and overcame?
    Is there anything you would like to say before we end the show?
    Get involved in your community. Find a issue that means something to you. Do something.
    I would like to thank you for this powerful and informative interview. I look forward to future interviews with you. Much success on all your endeavors.

    Hear and read more interviews with LaSuria and her guests, here

    Interviewer  LaSuria Kandi Allman
    Kandi Kane Ent.
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