Making a Fan Group #amwriting #amreading

    Author: Ey Wade Genre: »

    Have you ever done something you hope won't cause you embarrassment in the long run? Exposed yourself? Said something out of your normal routine or habit? Me, when it comes to standing up for basic human rights, the good in people and so forth...I'm all open. Mouth and words plain for anyone to read and hear, but when it comes to my writing, takes me a while to put it , them, my babies on the table to be scrutinized and torn apart. But I really desire honest feedback.

    Well, today, I'm going to change that. I'm laying it all out and inviting you to join my face book fan group, Ey Wade- Simply Writing. I'm believing people won't think I'm vain and immodest, but I would love help in becoming the kind of writer, readers like to think of as approachable and worth following. Sure you don't (maybe you do) know my writing, but I promise, you will learn it, help me know my faults and hopefully become a real fan. The door is open, please come on over.

    What process would you take to start a fan group?
    1. I questioned within other groups.
    2. Wondered which is better page or group? "Group" was resounding answer. Start opened and then close.
    3. Decided what I would offer, ask for, expect.
    4. Added things to introduce myself and my works.
    5. Posted trailers links to blog excerpts.
    6. Promised myself this will not be a selling place, but a gathering of like minds.

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    If you’d like to request a copy of any of my novels to review, please contact Ey Wade Please put 'request for review copy' in subject line. I also love working with bloggers and other reviewers!

    You can see all of my books (including previews) through the links on our Web site, Wade-In You can also grab pins @itsmeeywade on