Ey: So, January is gone. The focus on Martin Luther King and his dream has been celebrated and now we move on to February and Black History month. Basically that's two awesome months to start off each and every year. Two months where race and ethnicity is totally in the lime light. Two glorious months and then its all pushed to the back burner.
This is not the world I want for my first grandchild. Heck, It was not the world I wanted for my daughters. In my world I dream King's dream and wake to fight for my dream and the dream of many others. I used to do the march down the street, stomp my feet, and stand in the activist role. Many times nothing worked, now I write.
My dream for Jett is to have Black, White, Red, Yellow, and Brown history celebrated and acknowledged on the daily. To have children pick up a history book and read about it's ancestors without having to dig through piles and piles to learn a snippet. I want my grandchild to grow from the true history of America and not the politically correct one where things in literature and history are erased, reworded and hopefully forgotten. The past can be the key to the future.
I want my grandchildren to be known for what they are and not the color they are. February is the month Jett has chosen to be born. The arrival is happily anticipated and we are waiting with palpitating hearts. I still dream. What is your dream?
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