It's not What You Can Do For Us~ 3 Reasons for Suspense

    Author: Ey Wade Genre:

    This is one of the most important interviews we will have. It concerns a child, a trusted childcare arrangement, and a failure.

    Join me as I welcome the cast of The Perfect Solution, the tale of a small boy mistakenly given to a stalker by his preschool teacher.

     When you finish hearing their story, you will be asking yourself, Who is watching the people that are watching your children?

    Welcome our guests, Austin Sanchez, Catrine Teddi, and Brhin-Kristoffer Teddi. Please take time to read the other interviews.
    Let's begin with the youngest member, Brhin.

    Brhin-Kristoffer, if we had to ask you what people could learn from reading your story, what would be your response?

    "Huh?" Brhin walked around the room fingering then nicknacks.
    "She means, what would you say, sweetie." Catrine explained to the little boy. "Please , come over and still, Son."

    "Okay, Mommy. I hope people will see how smart and strong I was and I never gave up that I would see my mommy, again. If you listen to what your mommy teaches you, she will always find you."

    ;"Yes, she will. The main thing the reader will receive from reading The Perfect Solution , are tips on what to pay attention to when searching for centers and once the child is placed in the hands of the caregiver. What I learne from this entire episode was to follow  your first instinct. If you feel things are out of sorts, check them out. I did everything I thought I should have, to make sure the day care center was the best place to leave Brhin. Beautiful and as well supplied as it was, there were too many mistakes, overcrowded, lies.

    "Once a reader finishes the story, they will understand the rules for the running of childcare centers, how to handle personal relationships, and believe it or not, self-control."

    "Self-control. What do you mean, self-control? You and that little woman of yours showed me no respect. All I wanted to do was love him. All I wanted to do was have a little boy of my own. I should've shut the both of you up when I had the chance.. "

    Ladies and gentleman, it seems as if the abductor has sneaked into the building. 
    You weren't invited to this interview, Mona. Security!!

    "I'll leave, but before I do," Mona stopped to address the room before stepping out of the door. "I will say this, If the people running the centers don't learn how to be observant, this story could really happen."

    Well, I have to say I agree with her. If parents are not dilligent, and caregivers are not doing their jobs, this story could become a headline on the evening news. Well, thank you Catrine, Austin, and Brhin for the visit, I see Mona is being detained by security soo this would be a good time for you all to leave .

    "Yes, that's a good idea. Come along Catrine." Austin lifts the little boy and walks towards the door. "I'm sure we'll see you, again. Goodbye"

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